A Greener Approach for Over 25+ Years

Sustainable ECO
Friendly Companies

Sustainable ECO Friendly Companies

Affordable Pest Control

  • Pests

  • Rodents


Going green with your pest control services just requires choosing the right company! We have the tools and techniques you need.

Greener Approach

Better solutions for all

Locally Sustainable

Better for our community

Affordable Services

Greener, for less green

Green Pest Control

Providing Green Pest Protection for Your Home

Green pest control brings sustainability into the services you use for your home. Instead of relying on pesticides alone, we harness integrative pest management to understand the different species, their biology, and their habits to truly apply control instead of thinking only of pest eradication. Green services are designed to be delivered in a low impact manner. Green pest control companies strive to control pests on the exterior of your property and apply measures that prevent pests from ever entering your home in the first place.

Our Green Approach

5 Step Process
Step 1
Professional Inspection & Assessment

An integrated approach to pest management begins with a thorough inspection and analysis of the findings before a plan is created.

Step 2
Entry Points, Cracks & Crevices Strategies

Sealing up entry points, our applying a barrier treatment to cracks and crevices around a home will help to ensure lasting control of unwanted pests.

Step 3
Foundation, Windows & Eaves Coverage

Pests get into a home through the foundation, into the roof and attic, as well as through open doors and windows. These hot spots are important to address for proper control.

Step 4
Barriers & Exclusion Techniques

Utilizing mechanical control measures, establishing barriers, and exclusionary techniques are very effective and help to reduce the need for other types of treatment applications.

Step 5
Inside Prevention from Outside Protection

Its always best to control a pest problem from the exterior of a home, before pests get inside and start an infestation.

Call for premium sustainable pest control at (281) 335-6655.


Years Sustainable Service

Why Should I Hire a Green Pest Control Company?

Green pest control limits the use of pesticides where possible and employs various methods of control that may include mechanical exclusion, deterrents, or even environmental adjustments such as cleaning and removing food and water sources that pests rely on for survival. This mean that a green pest control service can be better for people, pets, plants, and the planet.

Sustainable Local Services

Helping Local Homeowners Go Green with their Pest Control Services!

Going green with your pest control services just requires choosing the right company in your local area! We have the tools and techniques to apply sustainable and affordable green pest control methods for your home.

Call (281) 335-6655 today to schedule premium pest control.

About Us

Providing high-touch pest control services with a greener, more sustainable footprint.
Sustainably Green

Companies that work to reduce their environmental impact as they perform their services are more sustainable and leave a greener footprint.

Our Approach
Community Focus

Focusing on the local community means getting involved. We aim to assist residents to create a greener living environment.

Service Areas
Refreshingly Unique

There are many companies to choose from. We encourage you to choose a company that is striving to create a better future.

About Us

Call Us

(281) 335-6655