A Greener Approach for Over 25+ Years


Greener Approach

Better solutions for all

Locally Sustainable

Better for our community

Affordable Services

Greener, for less green

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Call GreenPest today to discover the possibilities that are available for using a greener pest management service. Environmentally friendly services are accessible for general pest control, rodent removal services, other specialty type pest removal programs.


Years Sustainable Service

Going Green: It’s Good for You, Your Community, and the Environment

You Can Be a Force for Positive Change in the World

All around us we hear and see the threats to our environment. From polluted water bodies to the impacts of breathing dirty air each day, the need to do better for our planet and its creatures has never been more apparent.

While working for a cleaner, healthier environment can seem like a difficult prospect, there are a host of benefits. Are you looking for some inspiration for eco-friendly living? Here are three benefits to going green.

It’s Better for Your Health

Your health is directly tied to the environment you live in, and how clean and healthy that environment is. It is a proven fact that people who live where the air is dirty suffer from higher rates of respiratory illness, and that people who live in close proximity to dangerous chemicals are more likely to develop medical issues as they age.

Where to start? You can help contribute by taking simple steps – using fewer harmful chemicals in your house or in your yard (by choosing a greener pest control solution for example!), walking or biking instead of driving, and thinking twice about what you burn.

It’s Better for Your Children

True, it can be hard to see the positive impact of many of the environmentally friendly actions you do. While positive actions can have immediate benefits, others take time to have a real impact. That is why so much of going green is not about you – it’s about your children and their children. Using renewable energy sources, reducing your environmental footprint, and better using the planet’s resources are all things that you can do today that will have big payoffs for generations to come.

It Can Save You Money

While it can seem like going green is costly, that is not necessarily always the case. Yes, you might spend more for organic fruits and veggies, and switching to solar to power your home can have a big price tag, but the overall effect will be you spending less. Just like regular dental checkups can help prevent more costly dental work down the line, spending a little more upfront can mean you have better health as you age, that your house is more sustainable and less prone to energy spikes, and that you spend less to water your lawn.

Sustainable Local Services

Helping Local Homeowners Go Green with their Pest Control Services!

Going green with your pest control services just requires choosing the right company in your local area! We have the tools and techniques to apply sustainable and affordable green pest control methods for your home.

Call (281) 335-6655 today to schedule premium pest control.

Sustainably Green

Companies that work to reduce their environmental impact as they perform their services are more sustainable and leave a greener footprint.

Our Approach
Community Focus

Focusing on the local community means getting involved. We aim to assist residents to create a greener living environment.

Service Areas
Refreshingly Unique

There are many companies to choose from. We encourage you to choose a company that is striving to create a better future.

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(281) 335-6655