A Greener Approach for Over 25+ Years

Green Pest Solutions

Greener Approach

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Locally Sustainable

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Greener, for less green

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Call GreenPest today to discover the possibilities that are available for using a greener pest management service. Environmentally friendly services are accessible for general pest control, rodent removal services, other specialty type pest removal programs.


Years Sustainable Service

Environmentally-Friendly Pest Control Methods

These Methods are Good for Your Home and the Planet!

We should all be doing our bit to support this planet and the habitats that exist here, but we also need to be comfortable and free from pests in our homes. The dilemma is that many extermination methods and pest control tools can be harsh or full of less-than-friendly compounds and ingredients.

Eco-friendly pest control methods may sound like a foreign concept to you, but there are various ways that we can keep vermin and insects away, without causing collateral damage to the environment.

Using Natural Pesticides

Pesticides can seem like the easiest, most efficient way to deal with unwanted insect visitors, however, they’re often chock-full of harsh chemicals and toxic compounds. Using natural, biological pesticides is a way to achieve the same effect without releasing the same dangerous materials into the world. Using insecticidal oils or crafting your own mixes of vinegar, water, and essential oils, you can create an effective pesticide effect, either as a deterrent or bug-killer.

Everyday Seasonings

While seasoning is essential to good food, it can also be an effective deterrent to would-be insect invaders. There are a number of common kitchen seasonings that are dangerous and offensive in smell to insects, including salt, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and others, each of which can be used by doorways and windowsills as a sort of spicy barrier to your home. Other spices, like cinnamon and bay leaves, can be used like mothballs in closets and bookshelves!

Plant Insectary Plants

It’s not all about environmentally-safe pest control, as you can also use natural resources for the benefit of the environment. Plants like mint, rosemary, thyme, and marigold are each known for their attractive quality to the honeybee, which will use pollen from these plants to spread all over the area, benefitting plant life overall. At the same time, the honeybee will help you to keep other pests at bay, being an effective deterrent to many lesser insects and pests.

Kind to the Planet, Tough on Pests

These methods are great, but they can’t solve all your problems, so get in touch with us if you need more to solve a difficult pest infestation.

Sustainable Local Services

Helping Local Homeowners Go Green with their Pest Control Services!

Going green with your pest control services just requires choosing the right company in your local area! We have the tools and techniques to apply sustainable and affordable green pest control methods for your home.

Call (281) 335-6655 today to schedule premium pest control.

Sustainably Green

Companies that work to reduce their environmental impact as they perform their services are more sustainable and leave a greener footprint.

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Community Focus

Focusing on the local community means getting involved. We aim to assist residents to create a greener living environment.

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Refreshingly Unique

There are many companies to choose from. We encourage you to choose a company that is striving to create a better future.

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(281) 335-6655